Discussion Question 1

Jane Austen titled an earlier version of the novel First Impressions?  Do you think this would have been an appropriate title for the novel? Why or why not? Which title do you prefer and why?


  1. Yes, it would have been appropriate, but Pride and Prejudice is catchier (with the alliteration), and of course more familiar!

    Nancy Gay Morse, class of 1967

  2. Yes, appropriate...but I prefer Pride and Prejudice bec. they are the descriptions of the emotions and feelings the main characters were feeling throughout the book. Those words helped guide my thoughts about the characters while reading about them.

    I love this book, it is my favorite!

  3. To me, Austen is a clever and even brilliant writer, a woman smarter than her first choice and would have erred in entitling the piece FIRST IMPRESSIONS.

    Love/lust at first sight is a transient feeling or impression, but pride and prejudices (for some characters) make them stubborn and inflexible, giving the novel the satirical comment on upper-crust Victorian life that makes it a classic for today and forever.

    Characters are often bound by their "first impressions" but when they move beyond personal prides and prejudices, that's the moment in which characters become dynamic!

    Lizzie, I would not have liked Darcy at first either, BUT what a catch he is! Rock on, Jane Austen! You make other women want to write!

  4. I believe that First Impressions would have been a fitting title. This is because when Mr Darcy first meets Elizabeth they seem to almost hate each other Throughout the book,however, they learn that first impressions can be misleading. I like both of the titles equally, they both hold a special meaning towards the story. Pride and Prejudice does seem to "catch the eye" more than First Impressions does.

  5. I agree with most of the above posters. First Impressions is a very fitting title. The idea of "first impressions" and how they are often false is woven throughout the book. I do prefer the title Pride and Prejudice though. It is much catchier and also eludes to the stronger themes within the book.

  6. Personally i feel the title First Impressions would have been suitable for this particular book. Since there is a lot of those situations where people base the person of interests in the few seconds they are introduced. Although Pride and Prejudice is a more elegant title which catches the readers attention, because the reader would wonder what and why it is called this.

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  8. Pride and Prejudice is often revered as one of Jane Austen's most incredible works. Unbeknownst to most, Pride and Prejudice was formally referred to "First Impressions" prior to final printing. As I analyzed each characteristic and underline theme for both titles, I believe that it is correct to assume that "First Impressions" would have been the most appropriate title for the novel. This is to say that the characters first impression of one another set the tone and the basis for much of the story line. For example: in the case of Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth Bennett, they tend to feed off each others emotions acquired during their first encounters and this set the groundwork for a unique relationship: a relationship marked by pride and masked with prejudices. Therefore I believe that due to the significance of a first impression within the novel, "First Impressions" would have been the perfect title.

  9. I believe "First Impressions" would have been a very appropriate title for the book. Jane Austen uses first impressions very often in the book. When Mr. Darcy refuses to dance with Elizabeth at the ball, it was because she didn't appear to be a lady of his type. Later he finds out otherwise, but doesn't dance with her at first due to his first impression of her. I however do think "Pride and Prejudice" is a much better title. It catches the readers eye better than "First Impressions".

  10. I agree with most of the above bloggers that the first title, "First Impressions, is very fitting for the book. Throughout the novel first impressions are described and later negated. A prime example of this is Elizabeth's first impression of Darcy. To Elizabeth, Darcy first came off as an arrogant man, whom she began to disdain. But, later on in the novel Elizabeth comes to find her first impression of Darcy is wrong, and she falls and love and eventually marries him. On the other hand, Pride and Prejudice is also a fitting title as ALL of the characters have the utmost pride and most characters have a prejudice. It is hard to determine whether or not one title is better than the other, as both Pride and Prejudice and First Impressions are prominent themes in the novel.

  11. I believe that, while First Impressions would be fitting in some ways, Pride and Prejudice describes the book as a whole more. People's thoughts about each other in this book go far beyond their first impressions. While first impressions are important, the more people spend time with each other, the more their pride and their prejudice changes.

  12. I believe that "First Impressions" would have been a very appropriate title for this book. First impressions are often wrong, which goes along with this novel. Many of the characters experience a wrong first impression, especially Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. However, I do feel that "Pride and Prejudice" is a perfect title for this novel. The title is catchy, and it adheres to the themes of the book perfectly.

  13. I agree that "First Impressions" would have been a good title for the book because that is what makes the book so interesting. The first impression that Elizabeth has of Darcy is what makes her love story with Darcy that much more interesting. "Pride and Prejudice" is also a very fitting title because of Darcy and Elizabeth's pride for themselves and their prejudices for others that they meet. Either title would of worked for this novel.

  14. I think that every one gives off some kind of first impression. They way you carry yourself, the way you your facial expressions make you look, the way your voice fluctuates and changes all are ways to tell how you feel about something. For this novel I think that either title would have worked. Although it is music to our ears to hear the name Pride and Prejudice, First Impressions could have easily worked in this case as well. Each one of the characters left some kind of impression on the reader and the people they came in contact with. For example, Mr. Darcy is viewed as rude, arrogant man. But, in the end, he is the lover in the story. He of all people falls in love with the girl who is only looking for love. Elizabeth could have cared less about what he looked like or how much money he has; she just wanted to marry for love. The characters that seemed the least likely to marry turned out to be the ones that did marry after all. These two titles both encompass each other. By judging someone by their first impression, you are taking pride in yourself by thinking how much better you are than them. For example, Mr. Bingley’s sisters judge Elizabeth when she walks through the mud to come and see her sick sister because of their impression of her. Either title shows the thought patterns of each character and how they feel about themselves.

  15. I do not agree that "First Impressions" would have been a good tittle because it wouldn't have showed the full extent of what the book represents. First impressions are sometimes misleading and it wouldn't have shown the amount of effort the characters had to go through because of their pride. I personally think Pride and Prejudice gives the reader a peak at what the book will entail and not leave them wondering how there first impression even mattered when the main character get together in the end anyway.

  16. I feel the title "First Impressions" would have worked as a title, but I do not believe it was a catching title. "First Impressions" has a very bland feel to it for such a deep and thought-provoking book. I prefer Pride and Prejudice as a title because it has a more elegant, eye-catching feel. It gives the reader a mysterious, eluding initial thought on the novel before the reader even begins to read it.

  17. This would have definatly been an apropriate title. The main plot of the book revolves around Elizabeth and Mr Darcy and how they fall in love. This revolves around the "first impression" Elizabeth has of Mr Darcy which of course is a bad one. However, I still prefer the title Pride and Prejuice, because it has a deeper meaning that deals with the characters personalities.

  18. "First Impressions" would have been an excellent title but it is too broad; "Pride and Prejudice" is more specific of a title because it narrows down what the book is about. For instance, at first Elizabeth, along with the audience, is prejudice against Mr. Darcy; she feels he acts superior to others. However, Austen reveals through Mr. Darcy's letter to Elizabeth that he is truly a kind and caring gentleman. Therefore, Elizabeth's first impression of Mr. Darcy is wrong. To be more concise, Elizabeth was Prejudice against a man she believed to be prideful.

  19. "First Impressions" would have been a great title instead of pride and prejudice. There was alot of judgemental characters in this story. Elizabeth Knew that she wanted to be with Mr Darcy deep down, but I personally think that she was just worried about how people felt about them being together. Elizabeth viewed a bad Impression of Mr. Darcy because other people wanted her to have somebody with higher standards.

  20. Yes First Impressions would have been an appropriate title. Mr. Darcy judged Elizabeth from their first encounter and Elizabeth treated Mr. Darcy the same. However Pride and Prejudice is a better title. The reason for this is Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy both overcame their pride and prejudice that they had against each other.

  21. Yes, "First Impressions" would have been an appropriate title. Elizabeth judges Darcy the first time she see's him at the ball and Mr. Darcy judges Elizabth. How someone presents themself to society is one of the main themes of "Pride and Prejudice". The opposite sex are not just judging each other ,but the women judge other women and the men judge one another. I like the title "Pride and Prejudice" the best, because "First Impression" sounds like a self-help book and isn't as appealing.

  22. Yes,I do think that would have been a good name for it, because everything that happened in the book was made from a first impression on someone, but later twisting the story, because that impression that someone made turned out to wrong. I still prefer Pride and Prejudice.

  23. I feel that "First Impressions" would have been a suitable title for this novel because so much of the characters thoughts on others revolve around their first impressions of others. But Althought this title is an accurate discription of the novel, I prefer "Pride and Prejudice" as the title. To me, it is a much more interesting title, raising more questions to a potential reader than "First Impressions" does.

  24. I believe that "Pride and Prejudice" would be okay if entitled "First Impressions". All throughout the book characters meet other people and they assume the worst in each other. I, personally, think the book should be named "First Impressions instead. This name would be a good title because it is clearly throughout the whole book between each of the character.

  25. I think "First Impressions" would hae been an appropriate title for this book. Throughout the book the reader's first impression of many of the characters changes as the reader continues in their reading. Even the character's first impressions on other characters change as the story goes on.

  26. First Impression would have been a good title for Pride and Prejudice. The book is about different characters overcoming their first impressions of other characters. However, I think this title is a little too straight forward. I think a title should reflect the main characters more. I prefer Pride and Prejudice as the title because it does just that.

  27. Yes, the first title Austen had for this novel was great. From my reading and understanding of this novel thats all everyone was doing. The charcaters judge each other by their first impression and not by getting to know that person. They are both great titles but the title First Impression tops Pride and Prejudice.

  28. Amanda Jean CampbellFebruary 25, 2013 at 4:49 PM

    I myself agree with the bloggers above me. "First impressions" would have make a great title instead of "Pride and Prejudice". The reason for this is because each and everyone of the characters judge each other by their first meeting (Impression) instead of getting to know that person. Each title represent what Jane Austen wrote, but "Pride and Prejudice" is the title that I would have chosen.

  29. jane Austen had the right idea when she first named the book First Impressions. Much of the story deals with the characters interactions with one another, and their interactions stem mostly from their first impressions of each other. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy form their opinions of each other from their first impressions at the dance; many things take place and the book is almost over before they change their feeling for each other. Yet, Pride and Prejudice as a title captures more of the story. The charachters hold onto grudges formed throughout the novel because of pride. Their opinions are first skewed because of prejudice. And for readers skimming book titles as they walk the rows of a library or bookstore, Pride and Prejudice is more of an attention-grabber title.

  30. I believe that the title "First Impressions" would have been an acceptable title for this book. The main characters opinions of each other have a big effect in the plot of the story and they formed these opinions off of their first impressions of each other. However, I think that the name "Pride and Prejudice" fits this book perfectly. Since one of the main characters is full of pride and the other main character is prejudice, I think that there could be no better name for this novel than the title it was given.

  31. Yes, because iot helped my mind to reflect upon the characters. however, I prefer Pride and Prejudice because it is more catchy
