Discussion Question 7

7.  At what moment does Elizabeth begin to fall in love with Mr. Darcy?  What is it about Mr. Darcy that makes him such a catch for Elizabeth and for many readers over the last two hundred years? 


  1. I think it began slowly...
    First, when he first asked her to dance at the ball. They had a little bit of chemistry there. Then, later he basically told her he was in love with her at his aunt's home, but he did really say it very romantically and she was still upset about the misunderstanding of her sister and Wickham. She began softening up after he explained in a letter to her about the 2 'offenses' she laid upon him after he proposed. Then while she visited his home and sister during a relaxing trip out into the country, he treated her, her aunt and uncle much better and she treated him much better bec. they were COMMUNICATING and respecting each other's family. When she learned that Darcy paid off Wickham's commissions and got him to marry Lydia so her family wouldn't be ruined, she really knew his heart was in the right place and that he was someone special to love bec. he cared about her family as much as he cared about her and that meant the world to her. This ACT meant so much more than his first proposal.
    It also didn't hurt to know that her family would always be taken care of when her father passed away. A man who cares about a woman's family as well as her, is a great catch!

    1. ...correction-4th sentence in my first reply here, 'but he DID NOT REALLY SAY IT VERY ROMANTICALLY...'

      Julia :)

  2. From reading the book, Elizabeth starts falling for Mr. Darcy when Darcy announces his deepest feelings when he first proposed to Elizabeth, even though she was extremely upset with him. Cause in her inner most thoughts she was flattered by the fact that he ( Darcy) had been in love with her for months and yet kept his composure for so long. The final straw however was when Darcy wrote the letter concerning the matters that upset Elizabeth and then when she found out how much he has helped her family by paying for the wedding for Lydia and Wikhim also bringing Jane and Bingley back together. What makes them a perfect match is that they are both so similar. They are both stubborn and yet deep romantics. Also they both love to take care of the ones they love, so in favor of Elizabeth Darcy would do anything to make her happy hence the examples explained above and Elizabeth would do anything to make him happy. One of the best things how ever that shows they are a good match is that they show a true relationship, they both were hesitant in making the moves in a romantic sense but as the story prolonged their aquanitence grew into a secret love story between the two.

  3. Although there could be many different moments when Elizabeth began falling in love with Darcy, I think that there are two that stick out to me. Elizabeth began falling in love with Mr. Darcy first of all when he asked her to dance at the second ball. She felt that finally, he saw something in her. Because before then, he said that she was only tolerable and that he would not dance with her because he found no amusement in dancing. But once he finally asks her to dance, she realizes that he could be a good suitor for her and that she may actually like him. The second time she fell in love with him was when she had to seemingly fall in love with him the second time. After he separates Bingley and Jane, Elizabeth vows that she could not love that man. But, he sends her the letter in which changed her mind for the better. She realized that she had been in love with Darcy all of this time. Even though she never thought that she could love a man like him, she did.

  4. I think Elizabeth begins to fall in love with Darcy after his proposal and reading his letter. After Darcy cleared his name and Elizabeth's first impression of him was found to be incorrect, she realizes that she has no reason not to like him. The letter not only clears his name but also shows Elizabeth how much he truly cares for her. His proposal for a marriage full of love rather than an agreement for economic reasons really made Elizabeth happy. She really wanted to marry someone that she was in love with and not just someone she could tolerate. Darcy's professed love meant that she was half way to fulfilling her dream. I think Elizabeth's visit to Pemberley really made Darcy admirable because it was there that Elizabeth discovered that he was not a selfish man. She learned that Darcy was not prideful and also found his home to be very beautiful. She could not help but imagine herself as the mistress of Pemberley because of how much she admired the grounds. I think these two scenes are the key points where Elizabeth begins to fall in love with Darcy.

  5. I think that Elizabeth begins to fall for Mr. Darcy when he first proposes. Until this point, Elizabeth thought that Darcy was a rude and arrogant man. She was still upset with him, so she turns down the offer immediately. Later, when Elizabeth learns how much Darcy helped her family by paying for Lydia's wedding and also reuniting Jane and Mr. Bingley, she begins to regret her decision terribly. She feels as though she lost him. When she visits Pemberley is when it hit her hard that she could see herself living at Pemberley and being a mistress there. Knowing that Darcy cared so much about her family made her fall in love. I think that she really fell in love when she was talking with Jane right after Bingley proposed to Jane. She confessed her love for Darcy and knew that she had made a huge mistake. Darcy is such a catch because, although he is arrogant, he truly has a kind heart. When he loves, he loves unconditionally. One can really see that from him when it comes to Elizabeth.

  6. I feel that Elizabeth really started to fall in love with Darcy after he gives her the letter explaining the things she had accused him of when he first proposed. She starts to realize the man he really is and can't help but realize she was wrong all along. When Darcy helps Lydia get married to Wickham and reunites Jane and Mr. Bingley, Elizabeth starts to really think that she is falling for him. When she visits Pemberely and can see herslef being a mistress there she knows she loves him. Darcy is such a catch for Elizabeth not just because he is wealthy, but because their personalities match so well. Darcy is handsome and mysterious and this is why female readers are like Darcy so much.

  7. I believe that Elizabeth's love for Mr. Darcy began slowly, she attempted to stop it (which did not work), and then it continued to grow at a spiraling rate. I feel that upon seeing Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth found him to be at least a tad handsome. Once Darcy stated to Bingley that he was "dancing with the only handsome girl in the room" and that Elizabeth was "tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt" him, I feel that she was drawn to him, if only to slight him. The attraction became deeper as they danced together, had casual run-ins, and Darcy proposed the first time. The attractions intensified even more so once Elizabeth found out what Darcy had done for Lydia and after she realized that his breaking up Jane and Bingley was simply an accident, and still more that he worked steadfastly to correct it.

    Mr. Darcy has been a catch for the last two hundred years and will continue to be a catch for as long as people continue to read and acknowledge this novel and Mr. Darcy as a character. This is due in large part to Darcy's sarcastic charm. The fact that Darcy seems to feel that he is too good for many women and can have any woman that he wants puts him on a pedestal. Darcy also has wit, kindness, handsomeness, and a gentile disposition that helps women to fall head over heels for him. Darcy helps out those of his friends who need him when they need him the most. Also, Darcy is the type of person who would willingly give you the shirt off of his back in the pouring rain, simply because you were a twinge chilly. Once you look past his rough exterior, you can see quite easily that any woman would be very lucky to have Mr. Darcy as her husband or even simply as her friend.

  8. I feel like Elizabeth realized she loved Darcy when she learned that he paid off Wickham in order to prevent her family from experiencing social embarassment. The fact that he went to such great lengths to make her happy sparked her attractment to him. She had always considered him a handsome and accomplished man. Certainly, he was the perfect catch had he not been so prideful. However, once Elizabeth learns the truth about Darcy, the true beauty of their love begins to shine through. She starts to see how caring, considerate, and genuine he is. He is someone who can put up with Elizabeth's stubborness while making her the happiest she has ever been. Their marriage at the conclusion of the novel was the cherry on top to this love story.

  9. When Elizabeth first sees Mr. Darcy, I think she finds him to be a handsome gentleman. However, that was soon demolished when she overheard him say that she was not very handsome. It was soon obvious to Elizabeth that he was conceited and arrogant. This continues throughout the story until Mr. Darcy's letter explaining himself on two topics. The letter brings her to realize that Mr. Darcy is a caring and kind-hearted man. Nevertheless, when Lydia runs away with Wickham, this brings them closer together, because they both felt guilty that they did not tell anyone of Wickham's evil heart and greed for money. They both shared the same pain and this drew them closer together.

  10. I felt that Elizabeth feel in love with Mr. Darcy once she found out who Mr. Wickham really was. Despite Elizabeth not being attracted to Mr. Darcy he kept trying hard to get her to like him. Elizabeth said that Mr. Darcy was a handsome man but she just was never attracted to him after what she heard from Mr. Wickham. In the end Eliazbeth finally see the real Mr. Darcy and how charming, genuine, and considerate he was.

  11. I believe that Elizabeth as feelings for Mr. Darcy when she first meets him. Even though he was very rude to her, she seems to find some interest in him since she talks about him all of the time. It is like she cannot get him off her mind. She actually falls in love with him when he pays Wickham just so the Bennett family maintains a good reputation. Mr. Darcy seems perfect for Elizabeth because he would do this great act for her family; it is not like he just let them have a bad reputation and did nothing about it, he actually got up and helped them out. By this act and his undying love for Elizabeth, it makes him the perfect match for Elizabeth.

  12. I think Elizabeth falls for Darcy the first time she sees him. I think his attitude towards her makes her feel forced to push her feelings for him out of the way. As the story goes on things occur that cause Elizabeth to slowly allow the feelings that she has had all along to reappear. All the things Darcy does for Elizabeth to show her how much he truly loves her, like reuniting Jane and Bingley, has a huge impact on Elizabeth's heart. She sees that he was this wonderful person all along but he was too proud to admit it.

  13. I think Elizabeth's love for Mr. Darcy grows throughout the novel. I believe she had some feelings for him when the first danced at the ball, and when he proposed to her. She was just so determined that he was so self absorbed, that she hid her feelings. Elizabeth starts to show her feelings when she finds out that Mr. Darcy saved her family from the social embarrassment that her family would have received due to Lydia's running away and getting married.

  14. The chemistry struc at the dance when Darcy began talkig to Elizabeth. The feelings began to get deeper when Darcy opened up to Elizabeth and expressed his true feelings to her. Elizabeth was so amazed by his words because he kept his feelings inside for so long.
